The Rahco Rubber Quality Approach
Shipping defect free parts begin with a company-wide culture of quality. Everyone at Rahco assumes responsibility for their part in the process. Standards are high, and compromises are unacceptable!
Our quality system is aggressively structured to ensure that all required materials, tools and processes are designed to support our goal of superior quality and manufacturing efficiency. Our ISO certification is 9001:2008 and our registrar is DNV.
Our continued efforts to quality control and passing stringent internal audits have allowed us to meet our goal of becoming a world-class supplier of custom molded precision products.
Rahco Rubber’s quality management system starts with initial customer discussions concerning component requirements and continues through the finalization of the component design, construction and capability analysis of the production tooled components.
Once production begins, every step of the manufacturing process is monitored and controlled – from the control of raw materials to control of the packing and shipping of the finished product.
Rahco manufactures and ships components to meet requirements, and we take pride in the number of customers who we “ship to stock.”